How do users choose IDP when using multiple IDPs?

How do users choose IDP when using multiple IDPs?

There are two ways to choose IDP:

1. Once the multiple IDPs are configured in the plugin. The drop-down list appears on the login page at the time of SSO. This list contains the name of all the configured IDPs. You can select your IdP from the list and enter credentials for the same to perform a login.

2. When more than one IDPs are configured in the plugin, Domain Mapping option is enabled. Using this option you can set the domain of the users against each IDP with which you want them to perform Single Sign-On. At the same time, you can also configure more than one domain for an IDP. It will redirect to the IDP based on the domain name you entered for SSO.

Suppose you configured Okta and Azure AD domains in the domain mapping fields.
Domain mapping: okta.com
Domain mapping: azure.com

On SSO, it will ask the user to enter their username. If your username contains okta domain(okta.com), it will redirect to Okta login page and if your username contains azure.com, it will redirect to Azure AD login page.

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