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Jenkins KT Documentation: Ashwini More

Development Plan

Jenkins SAML SSO Free: in 2-3 months

Jenkins 2FA Free: in 2-3 months

Jenkins SAML SSO Premium: as per customer requirement or 3-4 months

Jenkins 2FA Premium: as per customer requirement or 3-4 months

  • What's going on in the Current Sprint:

The current sprint is completed already and we don't have a new one yet planned.

  • Parallel development which is in progress along with the current sprint

@Pranav Vinchurkar has all these details.

  • Future Roadmaps

  1. User and Group management in 2FA Premium

  2. 2FA method advertisement in free 2FA plugins.

  3. LDAP connection support in the SSO premium plugin

  4. Security fixes mentioned in Jenkins community.


  • Cover all the customizations that are not in the marketplace version but deployed in the customer's environment (even on a test instance)

All customization has been released. checked in here: \Jenkins-apps\custom-work Each customization has a readme file which you can refer to.

  • Checkin code if not checked in yet, share details with the team

The code is checked in.

  • How are you planning to hand it to an existing team?

@Pranav Vinchurkar is already in the loop.


  • Cover all details of your customers.

MasterCard: Was using Jenkins Crowd connector previously. Now switched to Jenkins SAML SSO plugin to set up SSO with Crowd and Pull Users and Groups.

Tietoevry: Requested SSO support from Azure AD but needed group and user sync from the crowd. The provided plugin is checked in the custom work folder.

BestSecret: Require ignore case support for Login with email support.

InfoBlox: Added OTF group regex to extract group name from the incoming response. The code is checked in the custom work folder.

Cybereason: They are using the old Jenkins version which doesn't support the latest Mailer API versions. We have provided a custom plugin that has used older versions of the mailer API.

Other customers have been shared within the team.

  • How are you planning to delegate those customers to an existing team, who will be responsible for handling those customers?
    @Pranav Vinchurkar will be working on these customers.

Marketing and Documentation

  • What's going on here

Current Documentation is released on the below platforms along with Marketplace listing for Jenkins SSO and Jenkins 2FA plugin

  • What's a plan for the future

  1. Improve SEO of the Jenkins plugin site pages.

  2. Update Jenkins Settup guide

  3. Streamline trial flow for premium plugins

  4. Advertise OAuth and MFA support in SSO plugins.

  5. Advertise common use cases as blogs.

  • Who will handle it?

Along with @Ananjan Mishra , @Pranav Vinchurkar (@Ashwini More @Abhishek Jadhav @Nutan Patil @Shraddheya Athawale @Sneha Pawar) , prijwal and mahesh will be working on this

Additional revenue tracking and Tasks are mentioned in the below excel sheets:

Jenkins support plan calculator  

 Jenkins dream team sheet