What’s New
We have done very significant frontend changes in this version, which we're sure you will appreciate once you upgrade the app.
As a part of UI rework, some settings are moved to new sections. This means the structure of the plugin backup file has changed too.
We've created a handbook which provides reference for all the settings available in the app.
Upgrade Consideration
We also have done a thorough Testing/QA. Nevertheless, please make sure you don't do this upgrade lightly & test it on your staging environment first.
Before You Upgrade:
Refer to this guide to know which settings are moved where.
Download the plugin configurations backup file from Backup and Restore Menu
After You Upgrade:
Test it on your staging environment.
If you're using plugin configurations backup file in any script, download the new plugin backup file from Backup and Restore menu.
Data Center
This version is fully compatible with Jira Datacenter.