

What’s New

​​We have done very significant frontend changes in this version, which we're sure you will appreciate once you upgrade the app.

As a part of UI rework, some settings are moved to new sections. This means the structure of the plugin backup file has changed too.

We've created a handbook which provides reference for all the settings available in the app.

Upgrade Consideration

We also have done a thorough Testing/QA. Nevertheless, please make sure you don't do this upgrade lightly & test it on your staging environment first. 

​​Before You Upgrade:

  • Refer to this guide to know which settings are moved where.

  • Download the plugin configurations backup file from Backup and Restore Menu​

After You Upgrade:

  • ​Test it on your staging environment.

  • If you're using plugin configurations backup file in any script, download the new plugin backup file from Backup and Restore menu.

Data Center

This version is fully compatible with Jira Datacenter.



  1. Reworked User Interface to make it clean and improve usability.

  2. Added a link to App Handbook which provides information about all the configurations supported in the app.

  3. Quick Setup option for adding an IDP with IDP setup wizard. Refer to this link to know more about it

  4. Added a Look and Feel option where you can design your login page for Jira and JSD

  5. Added Redirection Rules option which replaces domain mapping. Here you can configure multiple rules for IDP selection based on the user's email domain, groups and user directory. This provides more flexibility on IDP selection for different types of users. Refer to this link to know more about it.

  6. Added Plugin Tour to provide a summary of all the new options and to assist you in configuring the app

  7. Added an option to Disable individual IDPs for Jira and JSD. Now, you can have some IDPs enabled for Jira and others for JSD or you can have them enabled for both.  Refer to this link to know more about it.  

  8. Added Post Logout Configurations where you can decide the behavior once a user logs out from Jira or JSD.  Refer to this link to know more about it. 

  9. Simplified user profile and group mapping by prefilling the claims received from the IDP with the value. Now you don't need to refer to Test Configuration results to configure mapping.

  10. Added Header Based Authentication which can be used with your VPN to seamlessly log in users in Jira and JSD if they're already logged in to VPN.  Refer to this link to know more about it.   

  11. Added Global SSO option where you can change SSO behavior for the entire application. Refer to this link to know more about it. 


Bug fix for this issue in version 2.0.0:

If SSO is disabled for either Jira Software or Jira Service Management in Global SSO Settings menu, the SSO would fail.



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